Spreading Happiness, One Meal at a Time
Join the Million Meals Initiative by Muneeb Mushtaq
On a Mission to One Million Meals within 36 months
We are a group of Entrepreneurs and volunteers who believe that everyone deserves access to nutritious food, regardless of their circumstances.
Our mission is simple
Prepare and distribute one million meals to working laborers, delivery drivers, and others who may be struggling to put food on the table.
Through donations from individuals and businesses like you, we can make this ambitious goal a reality.
Ways to Get Involved with the Million Meals Initiative
Your support can help us reach our goal of one million meals. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference. Click here to donate now.
We need your help to make this initiative a success. Whether you can donate your time, skills, or resources, we welcome your contribution.
Spread the Word
Help us reach more people by sharing our initiative on social media with your friends and followers. Use the hashtag #MillionMeals to join the conversation
Get in touch.
Be a part of a community-driven effort to provide meals for working laborers, delivery drivers, and other hard-working individuals in the UAE, Qatar, and KSA. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.
Have any suggestions, feedback, advice or comments to share with us about the initiative? Get in touch!